Continous Cloudflare insights
Do you miss Google Analytics too?
Securely provides analytics
Our approach
Connect Cloudflare
Connection to Cloudflare gives us real-time data on what customers are actually experiencing.
The set-up time is less than one hour.
Analytics dashboard ready
The data on customer interaction gives us the first insight: what hurts customer experience the most? You also get an insight into what customers use the most.
Release apps quicker
Teams spend an average of two weeks contemplating what could go wrong. Based on actual data, the safeguards are automatically implemented by Securely.
Smooth customer experience
Continuously alert and solve what is blocking your customers. The developers can now quickly resolve blockages in their personalized dashboard.
Our (your) edge
Reduce churn
Quicker live
Improved ROI
Securely shows you the customer that is affected by the error.
Automating away the two weeks time required to secure a new feature.
Speeding up your teams by focusing on the features that are used and reducing your infra bill.
Start now
Let us send you the dashboards based on anonymized peer data. Or let us give you the first insight without bothering your developers.